Franziska Baumann, voice, SensorGlove live-electronic
Christoph Baumann, piano, prepared piano
New Chamber Opera 2021: Melody Malady Melody Malady
composition: Pierre-Henri Wicomb (Cape Town, South Africa
improvisation /interpretation: Franziska Baumann, Christoph Baumann (Switzerland)
director: Jaco Bouwer (Cape Town, South Africa)
narrator: to be announced
A chamber opera that stages the process of music-making as an exploratory encounter . A composer and two free improvisers mine aspects of the relationship in the psychoanalytic milieu between therapist and patient, creating the structure for this work. It revels in exposing the invisible world of relationship, collaboration and the intersubjectivity found in an intimate (constructed) environment.
Premier: Woordfees/Literary Festival - Adam Small Theatre, Stellenbosch, South Africa,
~September 2021
CD INTERZONES Volume I – Leo Records London, LR 787!
"A flow of surprising sparkling musical inventions, restrained by a strong sense of dramaturgical thinking..."
INTERZONES stands for two musicians who not only toured in various cultural zones of our planet but also cultivate in their mostly improvised music a cheeky handling of different stylistic materials. The musical inventions breathe with spectacular soundscapes and songlike sequences, rhythm pulses, rough sound eruptions and chambermusic sequences, strong melody clips and unorthodox sounds.
Driven by this high energetic mixture INTERZONES represents not only a meeting between two musicians who have explored voice and piano as multi-faceted instruments expanding traditional boundaries, it is also interlinks zones between contemporary music, performance and current forms of improvisation.
The Tours in Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Germany andSouth Africa were kindly supported by City and Canton Bern, Gemeinde Köniz, Pro Helvetia and SUISA foundation.
Please visit soundcloudDuo Interzones